WARNING: the random button may take you to a website that autoplays sound and/or flashing animations. some of these sites may contain swears or other mild nsfw content. some of the sites are in the list below; others are a surprise!
gifcities: this is where i get most of the gifs i use on here. SO fun to browse.
windowswap: look at the view through someone else's window, with audio and everything. you might get a bustling cityscape, a snowy mountaintop, or a crowded birdfeeder. it's lovely to put on a second monitor while i work.
fruits magazine archive: pdf scans of nearly every issue of the 90s j-fashion magazine, fruits. not only is it a piece of history, but the outfits are so cool and creative!
art of magic: the gathering: just what it says, this is a gallery of mtg art. i don't play, but a few of my loved ones do, and i'm always so enchanted by the imagery. i'm especially fond of innistrad sets, of course~
rick roll generator: this site will disguise a rick roll as something else -- even the embed! absolutely crucial in the modern age.
tom's toys: a collection of puzzles, optical illusions, and other coding curiosities.
macintosh os simulator: a simulation of the original mac os. such a beautiful time capsule! it even lets you look at a 3d render of the hardware.
cowboy frank: the personal site of a gay autistic cowboy. come on, you know that's the coolest thing you've ever heard.
Wynn's Wonderful Pixel Paradise: free pixel resources! this person's art is so cool and fun.
weatherstar 4000: a simulation of the old weather channel. remember the weather channel? god, i miss her.
pictochat online: remember pictochat??? god, i miss her. good thing i can use this emulated version instead!
winamp skin museum: scroll through a collection of winamp skins. truly a lost art (though some of these are fairly recent - there's a morbius one???)
antique pattern library: public domain antique patterns for just about every physical craft you can think of. definitely going to look over the cross-stitch section for pixelart inspo
tamashell: an ongoing catalogue of every tamagotchi shell ever made. i've always been fascinated with tamagotchis, and i love all the neat shell designs they come in.
it's nicky case!: developer nicky case's collection of games and articles. her art makes complex topics fun and easy to digest. the lessons i learned on this site have stuck with me ever since -- i really can't overstate their value. it's hard to explain, just go play em!
birth chart report: generate your full astrological birth chart with detailed descriptions. i don't believe anyone's destiny is written in their stars, but it sure is fun to look at! like personality quizzes, or tarot.